Classroom Management

I take pride in displaying my students’ artwork around the school.

Learning Environment, the fifth Professional Practice Standard established by the Virginia Department of Education, is an important standard in ensuring all students have the best opportunity for an enriching education. To provide an atmosphere in which students can reach their full academic potential a teacher must establish clear rules and procedures, build interpersonal relationships through respecting student diversity, promote cultural sensitivity, maximize instructional time while minimizing disruptions, and maximize learning through individual and group work. Without these important elements of a well-managed classroom, learning cannot be achieved.

Students in upper level courses have the opportunity to explore different types of mediums. Students feel comfortable exploring materials and trying new techniques while working together in the same classroom. Communication and collaboration among students is encouraged as each student develops his/her artistic voice.




Without appropriate classroom management, learning can not be achieved. Starting on day one my management plan will be implemented consistently and fairly.  Within the first days of school, I will work with my students to develop clear expectations of behavior in the classroom. These expectations and procedures will be posted throughout the room and revisited as needed during the school year.

In order to read more about my understanding of the importance of Learning Environment click here.